This week I will…

  • Submit and Issue my First New Business!




On the Hunt for an FNBI? Here is your Morning routine

    1. Purchase from Leads Mall

    2. Run a Campaign/Bulk Text

    3. IF Thursday - send Thursday texts where applicable

    4. IF it’s Month end - send Month End texts where applicable

    1. Go to inbox

      1. Every reply needs to be answered within 5 minutes of receiving of less

      2. Go to rejected texts → Add follow up appointment to each rejected lead → Send a new text

    2. Go to Leads List

      1. Filter by state - MD/FL

      2. Mark all MD leads with a follow up appointment so your texts send out

      3. Dial every new lead 3x

      4. Your goal is to complete 200 dials/day!

    1. Sort leads by Quoted Ghost

      1. Double text leads who have not replied

      2. Send a follow up email to each QG client

    2. Sort Prez Ghost

      1. Mark in your calendar to call client at the same time as the previous appointment

    3. Sort Completed Appointments

      1. Reply Accordingly

      2. Tag those necessary (ex. Appt completed but not Closed)

    4. Work Inbox as needed

Evening Hours

    1. Starting at 4:00 pm

      1. RunCampaign

      2. Send Bulk

    2. Scan inbox and repeat prior routines

    3. Dial every new lead 3x